Today was the first day of non-perfect weather in Sydney. It was overcast when I got up, and it started being rainy later on in the day. I ran out around 10 to find a post office to buy stamps and boxes to send stuff in. On the way back, I spotted several places I would be interested in eating lunch. I got back to the hostel right as it started raining. I wrote 6 postcards and put stamps on them, hoping I would find a post box at some point in the day. I decided I wanted to go to a Japanese place for lunch, craving some sushi. I found this little hole in the wall place (literally down steps and crammed in a very small place. It was also slam full- which I thought was another good sign.) I ordered my food, teriyaki chicken and sushi combo and a ginger beer (much to my dismay, turned out to just be ginger ale, but was bottled and very good).
My food came and was amazing. I had never had the full sushimi stuff before, usually getting the sushi rolls packed with avocado or some other stuff, and I didn't really know what I was ordering would be that, but when it came, I wasn't going to not eat it. As you can see, I finished most everything but my rice. It's probably the first time I have been really full since I've been here. A strange combination of nerves, no time, and trying to save money has led me to eat only two meals a day, and sometimes not come close to eating a whole meal. Everything I've ordered out, I've tried to eat most of, but I have only tended to buy one meal a day and eat other stuff in my room. It probably is saving a lot of money doing this.
My clean plates!
Last night I went to a club called The Gaffe with other people in the hostel. Andrew, an Australian I met and was talking to at Scary Canary before we left for The Gaffe, told me the Black Eyed Peas song was an omen- that I would have a good night. Andrew was right. I talked to lots of people, did a little drinking and dancing, met a guy from the Netherlands named Rob, and the only hiccup of the night was that I ended up missing the hostel bus back to Base. No worries, I caught a cab. I got in about 4 am, and could only sleep until about 7am today. It's cool though, because I will probably have an early night tonight since I have to checkout tomorrow and catch my Brisbane flight. I plan to spend my last day in Sydney on the harbor again, and maybe splurge for a nice meal at one of the restaurants on the harbor, even though I definitely spent quite a lot of coin last night, haha. Next time you hear from me, I will be in Brissy! G'day!
IMAX up the road from my hostel.
View of my hostel (Base Sydney) and Scary Canary from across the street.
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